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It's a great piece of work

Is there any problem with commercial use in the future? I'm not going to redistribute it and I'm going to use it for the project!

Of course, I'll give you five penalty points!

You can use it on any project you want! (personal or commercial) Just don't try to claim it. Give credit where credit is due in other words.

You have no idea how handy this is. Also your file name erm.. haha


No one was supposed to catch that! hahahaha

Nice work, these are really solid! Pixel hands can be tricky but you made it look clean and have good motion.

Cheers from a fellow pixel artist!


Thank you! It means a lot coming from someone who understands the art of limitations. I've been finding it so interesting lately how even when we limit ourselves to a smaller canvas, we can still find ways to express something that our eyes can translate. So, I decided to have fun with that concept. I really appreciate the support!